今日は私達の大好きなオレゴンにあるポートランドからオーダー頂いたBatik Bannerの紹介です。
近い将来、GoodNewsポートランド展 夢見て頑張るぞ☆
Thanks ☆
Hello, Everyone !
I’d like to introduce a custom made “baby’s birth cerebration batik banner” by our good friend from Portland, Oregon.
We are so glad to get an order from over sea country.
The banner is drawn and dyed by hands on 100% hemp fabric and dyed with indigo.
The baby boy who name is Astraeus.
He was born in OCT 2015,1 years old now.
When I got order, Astraeus’s mom Heidi told me some favorite motifs and his birth story, and then I blew up my image.
It made her very happy,she decorated the banner on the wall and sent me the picture!
That made us so happy as well.
Someday I wanna have an exhibition in Portland, Oregon.
Thank you so much, Heidi !!!
GoodNews Custom made order page